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So my friends think I talk to much so I decided to set one of these up...I dont know how often ill update this butit wil be enough lol.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Drama Sucks...

So my night has totally sucked for the second night in a row...

When I was at work I went on Facebook on my Itouch and saw that my sister had updated her status to "Welcome to Megs!! Get your shit and get out!!!" When I saw that I was a bit concerned because I thought something had happened between her and my friend who was living here. I commented on it but she never wrote back..

When I got home I went straight to the office because that's where my friend usually is when I get home. He wasn't there, Megan was and she looked beyond pissed. I asked her what was wrong and she said that if I had a problem with her I should have come to her and not gone to somebody else. I told her I didn't  have a problem with her and I asked her what she was talking about. She told me that I should not have been pissed off that she didn't let me take the van to Champaign last weekend and that if I had a problem living with her then I should have gone to her. I knew exactly what was going on now and I asked her where my friend was. She told me that he was down in my room sleeping.

I went down there and FLIPPED on  him. I did tell him some stuff about Megan but I did not think he would go back and tell her. I got out of the house after that and walked with my friend Brent. He always knows how to calm me down which is why I love him so much. So we walked for a bit and then he bought me McDonald's and then we went back to his house and watched American Idol. I was dreading coming back home because I knew I had to talk to Megan about everything I was just scared to. Brent told me that everything was going to be ok.

So I come back and Megan and I talk about everything. I guess it got out that I hate living here and that I can wait to leave which is only partially true. I cannot wait to leave but I do not hate living with my sister. Yes it can be overwhelming at times but it is better than living with my parents. Megan let's me do whatever I want, whenever I want and she never gives me shit about anything. There were some tears shed tonight as well but we worked it all out.

Megan and I are ok now and I am not mad at my friend either but I think he is mad at me because when I came home and freaked out on him I didn't let him explain himself. When I tried talking to him after talking to my sister he didn't really want to talk to me. He said he is used to having everything blamed on him without him even having a chance to explain himself. I don't know exactly what was discussed between him and Megan because I obviously was not here so I don't know what to believe now. I want to believe my sister because she is obviously my sister but she also likes to stretch the truth sometimes. I want to believe my friend because I don't think he would tell my Megan the things I told him about her. Who knows tho...

The main thing is is that I am not angry anymore. it is water under the bridge. I just hope that tomorrow night will be whole lot better than the past two nights have been and that this thing will work itself out.

I love you Michael and I don't know where I would I be without you in my life right now. We will get through this because Besties always get through the tough times...

Live, Laugh, Love

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

My Plans Have Changed...

So...my plans have changed a bit...well a lot actually lol. My friend Amanda and I have decided that we are not going to Vegas after all but I am going to fly out to Washington D.C. where she lives for a week to visit her. I will be going the same time that I was supposed to be going to Vegas June 28th thru July 5th so it's not that big of a deal.

I have also decided that I WILL be moving to Washington State after I come back from D.C. I had originally decided to do that yesterday after my horrible day at work, but I decided to sleep on it, which I did, and I decided that it is what I should do. I think my decision is the best thing for me. Everyone knows how much I hate Illinois and I cannot WAIT to get out. Yes I will miss you (you know who you are) but it is what I have to do to be happy because I am SOOOO not happy right now lol.

I have no idea if I am going to come back or not. I still have time to think about it but if she lets me, I might ask Jessica, my sister, if I can just stay with her when she comes back. I know I am not going to miss Illinois when I leave, even though I will miss the people in it. I will let everyone know my decision when I have made it (even though I kind of already have but I need to think about it more lol). Plus when I am in Washington I will be closer to Michael when he moves which is FABULOUS lol. He keeps me laughing all the time and I am going to be at a loss when he finally has to leave. I told him tonight that he should just stay till July and we can move together. He said he will think about it. I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!!!

Work was SOOOO much better today. Almost ALL of my calls were nice and friendly and I made three sales and got a $25 gift card to Wal-Mart which I used to buy groceries today. This day also FLEW by which is good. Hopefully it will be like this the rest of the week

So those are my plans and I am really excited about how my life is going at the moment!!!

Live, Laugh, Love

Monday, May 4, 2009

My Job REALLY Sucks...

What a day from hell. This day has been one of the worst days I have had in a while. I knew this week was going to be a tough one but I did NOT think today was going to be so bad.

ALL of my calls today were from angry bitchy pissed off  irate customers. I had migraine after just being there a half hour. I almost had a breakdown towards the end of the day it was going that bad. I also got my first verbal warning today because I have been late from my breaks three times so that did not brighten my mood either. I strongly thought about quitting today as well but I know I am not going to do that. This is the best job that I can have at the moment and I am not going to let one REALLY bad day make me throw it away.

I am really thinking about not going to Orlando in August, though, and just moving out to Washington as soon as I get back from Vegas. Or I might just skip Vegas and go to Orlando June 28th thru July 5th and then go. I just need to get out of this place. I have no desire to be in Illinois whatsoever. But we shall see what happens but I think I am going to talk to my sister and see if I can move out there earlier...

Deryk~I am going to cancel one trip. Do you think I should cancel Vegas and come to Orlando or go to Vegas and not come Orlando?

Sunday, May 3, 2009

So My Weekend Didn't Turn Out Too Bad...

So my weekend turned out pretty well after all ;). Friday night, like I mentioned in my last blog, Michael and I went to the movies and X-Men which was fucking fantastic. Then we came home and hung out blah blah blah yall know the rest.

Saturday we hung out with my sister and helped her landscape the front yard. Well, Michael helped her, I mostly watched because I hate dirt and mud and stuff like that. I'm weird I know lol. Later Hillary came over and her and my sister went to eat at Buffalo Wild Wings in Mattoon while Michael and I stayed home with the nephew. When they got back, Michael and I got ready and then the three of us went to Champaign to go C Street again. It was really bad there last night, though, so we didn't stay that long. We decided to go to Joe's Brewery right by U of I. It was amazing. A hell of a lot better that C Street that's for sure lol. While Michael and I were dancing on the speakers or whatever they were I started to get really lightheaded and then I passed out lol. That was the first time. The second time I blacked out for a minute or so because the next thing I knew I was being carried out by these two guys. The funny thing is I didn't drink that much. Between Michael and myself I had one Vodka Cranberry and two glasses of Bud Light. I think it's because it was so fucking hot in Joe's and the place was PACKED.

Sadly when I blacked out I lost my black Calvin Klein hat. I am going to miss it a lot. But I can get another one soon hopefully ;).

This week is going to be fucking torture for me. Tomorrow I work from 10:30 to 7 like usual, but Tuesday through Friday I am working 8am to 7pm because I signed up for overtime. I am going to love the paycheck but I am going to hate working for it. Then Friday after work my sister, my nephews, and myself have a three hour car drive. We are going to my parents for Mother's Day. Oh and Michael is coming as well since he is living with us now. I'm excited that I won't have to deal with my family all by myself now lol. So yeah this week is going to be a long one and if I don't update this everyday like I usually do it's because I am extremely exhausted and I don't have the energy to...

Live, Laugh, Love

Saturday, May 2, 2009

In Response...

So my weekend isn't going quite the way I planned. I was planning on meeting this boy today but I guess Fate had other plans lol.

Yesterday, I was at work and I got a text message from a friend of mine needing help. Me, being the great friend that I am, decided to help him because I knew he would do the same for me. When I got home from work I was kind of freaking out because I didn't know what was going on and I knew that I had to cancel my date with the boy. I called the boy and explained the situation as best as I could. He said he was disappointed and I told him I was too because I also really wanted to hang out with him but a friend in need is a friend in need and my friend didn't have anywhere else to go.

So my friend got to my house around 9ish I think it was. I was still talking to my boy on the phone but I had to hang up because my friend had to tell me what was going on. He told me the story and now he is going to be staying at my house for as long as he needs to. Last night we went and saw the new X-men movie which was fantastic and then we went and got some beer from the liquor store and then went to Wal-Mart to get some stuff and  then we came back to my house to hang out. That's when things started to get out of hand.

We had gotten back form Wal-Mart and were just chilling and my boy started texting me all this stuff about my friend for no reason. I don't know where it came from and I don't know why. My boy DOES know that I think my friend is incredibly attractive and he also knows that nothing is ever going to happen between us because is already IN a relationship and nothing is going to change that.

I was extremely upset that my boy could say what he said about my friend when he doesn't even know him or the story. I am still upset but I can't let it affect my weekend. Everything happens for a reason and I guess me and my boy were not meant to hang out this weekend.

To My Boy-I still think you are the sweetest person ever and I know you are sorry for everything that went down last night and I accept your apology. But you need to not be so overbearing...especially this early. I am a big boy you know and I can take care of myself lol.

To My Friend~I do not for a SECOND regret taking you in. I know what you have been through and I'll be damned if I was going to let it happen again. I love you so much and I am glad that you got a hold of me (even though you did freak me the fuck out when it wasn't you that was texting me from your phone lol.) I actually don't want you to leave lol. It's nice to have another gay man in the house lol. But I know you have to leave me soon but it will not be forever, I can promise you that...

Live, Laugh, Love