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So my friends think I talk to much so I decided to set one of these up...I dont know how often ill update this butit wil be enough lol.

Thursday, April 30, 2009

Vegas and A Boy...

What goes on in Vegas...STAYS in Vegas. That WILL be the case when I go there June 28th thru July 5th. My friend Amanda texted me tonight and told me that she is getting my plane ticket tomorrow morning. I am SOOOOO excited. I don't have to pay for the plane ticket OR the whole hotel which I think is amazing but also not necessary but Amanda insists and you do NOT cross her. I will be forever in her debt that's for sure. This is going to be like the 21st birthday I never had lol. I plan on taking a TON of pictures and putting them on Facebook and Myspace so none of y'all are going to be left out I promise. It's going to be me, my old roommate Patrick from Disney, Amanda, and I think a couple of other people. I cannot WAIT till June gets here.

So there is this boy I have been talking to for the past week. He knows he is too lol. I first started talking to him last Saturday online and he told me that he was going to be might be going to C Street that night, the gay bar in Champaign, and I told him that I was going to be there as well for a friends birthday. I actually totally forgot about our conversation until I was at the club standing by the entrance with some of my friends and low and behold there he was introducing himself to me. I can honestly I was shocked (and I have told him that already) and I did not say much because I didn't really know what to say. I didn't talk to him again for the rest of the night, but as I was leaving I saw him by the door and gave him a big smile ;).

I think we started texting each other the next day and we have texted everyday since. At first I told him that I didn't think that I would ever date someone like him mainly because if his age and I have had bad experiences with that. But it was either last night before I fell asleep or this morning when I was getting ready for work, it just hit me, he seems a lot different then all those other guys I have dated in the past. He is sweet, sincere, and I know he would never do anything to hurt me. It is true that we do not each other that well as of yet but hopefully we will soon enough. We get to see each other on Saturday after I get off work and I am really excited about it. Now, mind you, I am going to take my time on this. I always seem to rush into things and I'm the one that always gets hurt so I am going to take it slow. But hopefully I am right that this one is different than all the rest. Hopefully there will be something there. But like he said...if it does not work we will still be the best of friends. I could not agree more. I have not told him this yet...but whenever I meet a new guy he is stuck with me for life...I am not going to lose him without a fight.

I know you are sleeping now sweetie...sweet dreams and I will be seeing you soon enough...

Live, Laugh, Love



  1. Wow......Pee Wee's Big Adventure, Vegas AND a Boy....sounds like the planets are aligned pretty darned good for you right now! Sounds to me like you found a pretty darned lucky guy! I mean from what I can tell, you seem pretty cool, smart, sexy....what more could a man ask for! ;) From my years of experience, if you're open and honest in your communications and follow your heart you should be fine. Cant imagine him purposely hurting a great guy like you! Talk to you soon sexy man... lol

  2. How old is the boy? I'm glad thinks are looking up for you. You will have an amazing time in Vegas.
